Language action

photo of an FLE teacher using the platform during a training course

E.N.T. platform FLE and teacher training

The P.I.A.F. offers FLE teachers and classes:

-training in storytelling and orality ;

-the P.I.A.F éducation platform (for: Plateforme Interactive d’Apprentissage du Français): an innovative digital working environment (D.W.E.) specially designed to facilitate the teaching and learning of the French language in the classroom, online in hybrid mode;

-P.I.A.F. also coordinates projects for new translations and editions of The Little Prince around the world.


P.I.A.F. provides all French language teachers and establishments with its innovative online French as a Foreign Language course solution (ENT / LMS), developed by and for the FLE world, which is simple, ergonomic and versatile.

Storytelling in the FLE classroom: training for teachers

Training FLE storytelling workshops: Creation of a storytelling project for FLE classes and institutions teaching French abroad.

Publishing: The Little Prince at the bedside of the world’s languages

A worldwide call for projects to create 15 new editions and translations of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince in vernacular languages.

The Little Prince is the most translated work of literature in the world (532 languages to date). This call for projects aims to promote multilingualism and defend and promote the world’s linguistic diversity.

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