P.I.A.F SOLUTIONS is a non profit organization dedicated to the promotion of international cooperation in the cultural and educational fields. It was founded on March 2021 by a group of senior executives who formerly served in France’s cooperation network.
It aims at promoting, producing and disseminating innovative and original artistic forms in France, Europe and the world. It wishes to encourage excellence and dialogue between cultures, through events, mediation and skills aquisition.
The association also develops a solidarity action of advice and expertise.
Finally, it proposes an innovative and open educational activity with a digital work environment dedicated to the teaching and learning of French: P.I.A.F.’s education platform.
SOLUTIONS P.I.A.F for Pôle d’Ingénierie et d’Appui à la Francophonie, is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901, created on March, 2021 whose statutory purpose is to :
<<to create and provide cultural, pedagogical and cooperation solutions adapted to the institutions of the French-speaking world.>>
(extracts from the official statutes of creation of the P.I.A.F. solutions association)
RNA n° W353021664 – N°SIREN : 905289443 00012
Our board
Gérald Candelle, president of PIAF solutions
Expert in management and management of organizations. Consultant in international mobility and expatriation. Head of Recruitment and HR Development for the Fondation des Alliances Françaises (2012-2017), former Director of the Alliances Françaises of Johannesburg and Soweto, General Coordinator of Southern Africa and Director of the Alliance Française of Hong Kong.
Alain-Joseph Marquer, treasurer of PIAF solutions
After working for the Shlumberger and Hachette groups, he multiplied his missions for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Saudi Arabia, United States, Canada, Korea, Peru…). He returned to Paris as Director of International Relations for the Alliance Française de Paris from 2000 to 2007.
Our team
Nicolas Mezzalira, director of PIAF Solutions
International cooperation project manager, artistic director and storyteller. Former Regional Attaché for Cultural and Audiovisual Cooperation for Central America, Secretary General and Director of Courses of the French Institutes of Frankfurt and Mainz, Director General of the Alliance Française of Lima, President of EUNIC Peru.
Olivier Leroy, in charge of the PIAF education platform
Teacher in the National Education at the University and sections of higher technicians. (accounting – finance and economics – law). President of the Alliance Française of Laon / Hauts de France.
Charles Perraud, responsible for the Salt Bridges program
Director of the Guérande Salt Cooperative from 1990 to 2005 and harvesting producer, expert in solidarity action on the subjects of controlled denomination of origin and protected geographical indication.
Andréa Alunno, Artistic Assistant
Responsible for communication and outreach of PIAF projects, with the mission of promoting the program’s initiatives through creative strategies. Development of visual and written content aimed at enhancing the visibility and impact of the projects.